
7 sanity-saving tips to help you survive life under lockdown!

Guess who’s back, back, back 👀…

It’s insane how much time has passed since I was last in a position where I felt that I had the time or headspace, to put pen to paper (or more accurately — fingers to keyboard) and engage in one of my favourite activities: blogging!

Between finding out I was pregnant 🤰🏽, working full-time and bringing my beautiful baby boy 🤱🏽 into this world; for over a year, it’s been go, go, go! – with very little time for hobbies or self-indulgence. It’s typical that it would take something as drastic as a pandemic and subsequent global lockdown 😱, for me to finally treat myself to some much-needed me-time!

Speaking of lockdown…

COVID-19 has left us all feeling a mixture of fear, frustration, uncertainty and confusion.

Regardless of your personal or professional circumstances, whether that means working from home, or generally spending more time at home than you’d usually like, it’s safe to say that social distancing / life under lockdown has left us all in a state of disorientation.

A problem shared is a problem halved right? So seeing as we are all in the same boat, I thought I would do my bit by sharing what I’ve found to be some of the top tips for staying sane under house arrest.

1. Get out of the house as much as you can

Whilst restrictions have been put into place to reduce the spread of the virus, we are still entitled to 1 hour of exercise a day.

Whether or not you are into your fitness, even a slow stroll around your local park or even the block at this point, will do us all the world of good, and play a major part in stopping us from going stir crazy!

2. Don’t play into all of the politics – and resist the urge to spread fake news

From fear-mongering headlines being flung about on social media with unconfirmed statistics of deaths allegedly connected to an influx of COVID-19 cases, to the resurface of viral videos from years ago, with no confirmed sources or legitimate links to COVID-19 – is it any wonder that the world has gone mad?!

On the other hand, if we all take a step back to think about what we are doing before mindlessly aiding the spread of ‘fake news’ we can only hope that this would slow the spread of panic, particularly amongst older relatives who have had it drilled into their minds that they will die if they step foot outside of their homes.

3. Try to maintain some semblance of normality – implement a loose routine

Of course, these are trying times for us all. Particularly if you are unable to work from home and essentially have no specific timeframes to work to. Each day can tend to blur into the next with no clear start or finish.

Solution: set yourself some tasks/goals to try and complete throughout the day, at a specific time each day. Whether it’s something as mundane as housework/chores, setting some specific time aside to spend doing a particular hobby, going for a run/walk or venturing out to the supermarket for some essentials.

4. Enjoy the extra family-time you may now have

As mother to a 9 month old, I’ve found it difficult to go from what once was a full weekly schedule of baby groups, classes and play dates to keep us entertained, to now being responsible for providing my son with ‘entertainment’ as well as positively aiding his development throughout the day.

On the bright side, it has encouraged me to acknowledge the fact that appreciating each other’s company and just spending one-on-one time together playing, reciting nursery rhymes, reading, going for walks and simply sharing the love, is more than enough for a growing baby — everything else is just an added extra; not a necessity.

That goes for people isolating with family in whatever form it may be for them. After all, this is more time than many of us ever get the chance to spend together, and as much as times are uncertain at the moment, and it is a shame to not be able to see everyone we care for — we should be thankful for this time that we have been granted.

5. Keep in touch with loved ones

Despite current restrictions, thanks to modern technology, we are not required to be in the presence of others to keep up the communication. Above all else, it’s important that we do not allow this lockdown to prevent us from staying in touch and reaching out to let our loved ones know we are here to lend an ear and just to keep things as normal as possible. We live in the age of social media, where people are more likely to pick up the phone, video call or text a person as opposed to seeing them in the flesh most of the time anyway. Let’s worry about changing the habit of a lifetime later and focus on staying connected for now.

6. Always try to look on the bright side

If you are lucky enough to have the facility to work from home, first of all; be grateful. There are so many people who currently face uncertainty as to whether they will have a job to return to following all of this madness, and also spare a thought for all of the key workers still standing on the frontlines. Ultimately, many of us still have our good health and a roof over heads – so for that alone we should all be grateful.

7. Make sure to find time for yourself

Regardless of the impact life under lockdown may have on your daily routine (or lack thereof 👀), ALWAYS ensure that you set aside ample time especially for you. Whether it’s a mere half an hour to yourself just to collect your thoughts, completing a workout, reading a book, binge-watching a box set – whatever it is that floats your boat and brings you happiness in these uncertain times.

Thanks for reading guys

Vicky ✌🏽 xo