2021 · happy new year · New Year’s Resolution

The grass isn’t always greener.

Hey guys,

I think we can all agree that 2020 was a very unusual, unpredictable and straight up uncanny year and with so much uncertainty still hanging in the balance, for me it was a no-brainer that I would be giving any New Year’s Resolutions a miss going into 2021.

In fairness, even in an ‘ordinary’ year I’m not really one to commit to resolutions. Personally, I feel it can be a little bit clichéd and excessive to devise a list of tasks to stick stringently to for the next 365 days and then beat myself up if a few months down the line; unforeseen circumstances have meant that I haven’t even started on task number one.

Let’s face it, life is full of unpredictable twists and turns — we can thank 2020 for teaching us that above all else, so I don’t feel that at the beginning of a year that is yet to reveal itself to us, it is very realistic to dedicate myself to things that may become redundant in a few months’ time. But hey, that’s just me.

That said, I do love a new beginning as I feel it symbolises a new chapter and a new opportunity to reassess and reorganise priorities and get my affairs back in order. For example, if there is something specific I’ve been meaning to sort out that has continually been put off, or been pushed to the back of my mind, then for me a new beginning is the perfect opportunity to dust things down and finish what I’ve started (or in some cases actually start something in the first place — eek).

Whilst I do think it’s a tad extra to reel off an exhaustive list of objectives, I am a firm believer in writing lists in general. I find it very useful to write out a list illustrating my intentions on both a major and minor scale. Whether this is in relation to something as simple as a shopping list, or things I would like to get done during an average week — you’ve caught me, I’m a list girl!

A few days ago, during a rare moment when I actually had the time to gather my thoughts (my ‘tiny tearaway’ was out for the night); not for the first time, I was reflecting on all of the things that I have to be grateful for in my life. A beautiful son, a loving partner, great family and friends to name but a few — what a fantastic life I have. That’s when it occurred to me: “wouldn’t it be amazing if I just enjoyed it?”

More often than not, I feel like human instinct causes us to question everything. Many of us struggle to maintain the mindset of simply living in the moment and remaining grateful for the blessings in our lives. We always pine longingly after what we do not have, forever looking on at others with an envious gaze.

What if we stopped doing that?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s essential in life to set ourselves goals and not become too complacent or monotonous, however there is a massive difference between doing this and taking our blessings for granted with the misguided mentality that the grass is always greener.

What if we all stopped worrying about what we don’t yet have or what other people are doing and appreciated how blessed we may already be? Why don’t we all stop fretting over those small and insignificant everyday inconveniences?

Realistically, life isn’t always going to be smooth-sailing and there will undoubtedly be many hiccups along the road. However, many of us need to make more of a conscious effort to regulate our emotions and rather than letting every little thing have the power to negatively impact our mood, ask ourselves “is it really that deep?”

Furthermore, life shouldn’t be lived wishing away today in favour of a better tomorrow because we don’t feel things are where we would like them to be. Before we know it, we will be old and grey looking back wistfully on what could have been an amazing life had we not been too stressed and too blinded by self-deception to fully appreciate it.

If nothing else, in 2021 we should all vow to use the one common lesson learned in 2020: to be more appreciative and mindful of how precious and short life can be.

On that note, I’m coming into 2021 with the intention of being more present in the moment and fully enjoying the amazing life that I have. Of course, I will always strive to better myself, however I will take each day as it comes and won’t write myself off as inadequate if things don’t always go to plan and I will do my best not to dwell over things beyond my control.

Now, who’s with me?

Thanks for reading guys,

Vicky ✌🏽 xo

2020 · christmas 2020 · gratitude · reflecton · Uncategorized

Push through with positivity and gratitude!

Hey guys,

For me this week has been anything but easygoing! I wouldn’t necessarily describe it as a bad week, but it definitely hasn’t been fun. With a teething and under the weather 16 month old on my hands — think tantrums, mood swings and sleepless nights!

Of course, I know it’s all part and parcel of parenthood. However, it can be particularly irritating when parentless friends and relatives coo and gush over how ‘cute’ your little bundle of joy is, feeling so sorry for your child on the rare occasion they’re left to have their little temper tantrum because having pandered to said child’s every need/want all day up until that point, with little reward there’s nothing else to do at this point.

Especially if we wish to cling to even a shred of our sanity. Besides, a little self soothing never hurt anybody. Plus, little do these child-free sympathisers know the various physical and emotional assaults we parents face on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis. It’s not heartlessness we promise, just an inbuilt resilience to protect us from their tricks, you’ll thank us later when they’ve grown up notably less cute and we haven’t raised a hoard of spoilt and sickly, master-manipulators.

Can you tell I’ve had a rocky week? 😂

Moving back onto my original purpose for posting, as the year draws to a close it naturally causes people to begin to reflect. It goes without saying that 2020 has been a hellish year for us all and a massive adjustment from the way of living we are all used to. Not to mention how we’ve been pulled from pillar to post and left bewildered as to whether we are coming or going!

Likewise, with Christmas in tasting distance (nom nom nom) and the way in which many of us will be ‘celebrating the festivities’ this year in stark contrast to previous years; it is completely understandable that most, if not all of us will be feeling sad, weary and down in the dumps (who remembers that classic hymn from primary school? #ifyouknowyouknow 👀).

All jokes aside, it is very easy to welcome the negative thoughts trying to sneak slyly into our minds with open arms as we admit defeat, as for many of us in the UK our government cancelling Christmas was the straw that broke the camels back!

But how about this? Let’s consider the fact that we are not actually camels. Furthermore, unlike the camel in the analogy used above most of our backs are not broken and are in full functioning order. So how about instead of wallowing and declaring we have “nothing left to live for” or something equally dramatic, we show some gratitude? Maybe even get up and do a little dance (optional) and reflect on everything that many of us still have to be positive about and thankful for.

Many of us still have: a place to call home, a loving family and friends, food on the table, love in our lives and in our hearts and really what else actually matters?

During the more challenging moments I have faced this week with my son being unwell, I’ve found myself throwing a little pity party of one because my partner wasn’t able to get any time off before Christmas so I haven’t had much of a break most days. But then I had to get myself in check and remind myself that especially during the current climate, we are lucky he still has a job at all.

My point is, it’s so easy for us to get caught up in our daily ‘trials and tribulations’ and convince ourselves that we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. Of course, this doesn’t make us terrible or even ungrateful people because we are only human and everyone’s threshold and difficulty levels will be different. But it’s worth considering that nobody’s lives are perfect and we all have things we wish we didn’t have to deal with or things we would like to change. Obviously it’s much easier said than done when we are faced with challenging situations.

However, if this year has made me realise anything it’s that I have a lot of things to be grateful for and although I really cringe at the saying; there are many people a lot worse off than I am, so we all have to keep pushing through!

What are you most grateful for?

Thanks for reading guys,

Vicky ✌🏽 xo

2020 · be happy · Good Vibes · positivity · realignment · self care · Stress Free · Uncategorized

The secret to staying happy during a pandemic!

Hey guys!

How is it already September? And what a weird and wacky year it has been so far!

I feel like my ramblings must be starting to have an uncanny likeness to the sounds of a broken record just lately, however; during these unprecedented and uncertain times, my emotions have been up and down like a yo-yo.

I don’t mean to harp on, but I’m pretty confident that trying to live life through a pandemic has stirred up so many different emotions for so many people. In the last few months, I am sadly in amongst the masses of people who have recently faced redundancy. Having previously worked for a small business before going on maternity leave, in the midst of negotiating the terms of my return to work; my employer had to make my role redundant as my position was no longer feasible and unfortunately there were no other suitable roles within the company. So now like probably millions of others, it’s back to the drawing board for me.

On the flip side: whilst my partner’s employer was also reviewing redundancies within his workplace, we found out a few weeks back that he is lucky enough to be getting kept on, which provides us with some financial stability at least, for which we are extremely grateful.

It’s safe to say everyone is going through some sort of struggle at the hands of COVID. Whether they have been directly impacted (in the form of losing a loved one or contracting the virus themselves) or whether it is in a professional or psychological capacity — it’s fair to say that we are all starting to feel the strain in some way or another.

From my perspective; it’s the lack of control over what I am able to do with my life on a daily basis — even on the most basic level that constantly has me teetering on the brink of insanity.

Being forced to spend so much time indoors with a 1-year-old can be so suffocating at times. It’s a lot easier when the weather is cooperating, but if it’s too warm or raining then you’re options are even more limited.

I hate to seem like I am complaining because I can wholeheartedly declare that motherhood is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love my son unconditionally and love being a mother. But, whilst it’s great for us to be able to spend so much time together, the current limitations are not parent-friendly.

What do I mean by parent-friendly? Sometimes, I feel like as a parent you’re expected to be able to constantly run on low, or no battery whilst simultaneously maintaining the patience of a saint. It’s like forgetting to plug your phone in when you go to sleep at night and waking up surprised that the battery is now dead. Likewise, as a human-being; if you are unable to recharge your battery and get even the basic level of rest and nourishment required, then you will not be able to function, or only at a very poor level.

Flashback to pre-pandemic/lockdown life – I would be able to go out and do things with my son on a daily basis to keep him active and stimulated and help expel some of his seemingly endless supply of energy. But being stuck indoors a lot more, means that I’m having to constantly think up different ways of keeping him occupied and stimulated. Also factor in the aspect that he is now a lot more active and inquisitive as he is walking and I’m forever exhausted!

Exhaustion is one thing, but then add sleep deprivation to the list as his teething has had him waking in the night again and it’s just a recipe for emotional disaster.

It’s so bittersweet as my son is a complete and utter Mummy’s boy, which is absolutely adorable at times. But he has always been a very clingy and demanding child. Although he is much more independent than he was when he was younger and of course we encourage him to be independent and don’t always give in when he has his tantrums, but he just wants my undivided attention 24/7. I try to rationalise that he is obviously a lot more needy as he’s in a lot of pain and discomfort and he is still very much a baby, but especially in recent weeks, my patience levels have been running on empty and it makes me feel very guilty and at times just plain miserable.

What gets me through times like that is remembering he will not be so young and needy forever. At the moment, I am his entire world and that is such a privilege and a blessing. Once he grows up and gains more independence and understanding that there is more to life, off he’ll go and I will most definitely miss it. However, it’s easy to say that when things have calmed down, but harder to remember when you’ve got someone constantly whinging in your ear, unaware of when you’re having a bad day and in need of some self-care.

But that is the key to maintaining some semblance of our sanity during these abnormal and undependable times. Taking out some much needed time for ourselves. Whatever our woes may be or the testing times we may be facing in our lives. My struggle of late has been the struggle of motherhood during a pandemic, but we are all battling against something.

In addition, I truly believe the key to happiness is a positive mindset. It’s too easy to allow negativity to consume us. For example, if we have had a string of bad days and have not given ourselves some time outside of a gloomy environment to collect our thoughts, realign our minds and open ourselves back up to restoring positive energy and improving our mood, then of course we will continue to feel unhappy.

Lately, if ever l find myself feeling overwhelmed or at the end of my tether, one of the ways that I have been managing my emotions is by keeping a list of positive things I have to be grateful for in life, or things that I like about myself. That way on my toughest days, I have something uplifting to refer back to, to give me the strength to turn things around!

That said, I’m sure I’m not the only person who is trying to get scouted as the newest member of The Avengers and really thinks they can take on the world some days! I cannot stress the importance of always setting aside some time out to allow yourself to relax.

Whether that means taking an hour to have a nice relaxing pamper session, taking some time out to switch off in front of the TV with your favourite snacks and film; getting stuck into a good book, or on a much more simple (but just as effective) level; having some quiet time alone to collect your thoughts — whatever it is that floats your boat and restores your balance.

As lonely as life can often feel, none of us are in this alone. It can be hard to reach out and sometimes it may seem difficult to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but for every bad or challenging day, a great day is guaranteed to be waiting right around the corner! Although there are still limitations to what we can do socially, pick up the phone and reach out to a loved one, make some plans and give yourself something to look forward to!

Most importantly, just allow yourself to be happy!

Thanks for reading guys,

Vicky ✌🏽 xo

2020 · be true to yourself · covid-19 · lockdown life · Uncategorized

Always keep it 100!

There is no secret recipe for eternal happiness, and whilst we are encouraged to try endless techniques that are said to improve our mindset and lift our mood — we have to be realistic and take every day as it comes. Sometimes if we’re not feeling it, it’s literally as simple as that!

On a serious note, last week was a really tough week for me emotionally. My emotions were all over the place, ranging from: uncertainty; frustration and loneliness to anger that I was even feeling any of those things in the first place — because I should have been ‘strong’ enough’ to maintain a positive mindset.

However, in reality, life is unpredictable and nothing is promised, including the way we may be feeling from one day to the next.

We are always told to ‘think positive’ and that we are the masters of the energy we emit versus the energy we attract. Although, this is largely true, above all else, we owe it to ourselves to be true to how we are feeling at any given moment in time.

If we’re not feeling great, then we shouldn’t feel pressured to fake it. It is healthier to express our emotions, than to repress them and pretend like everything is fine when it’s not.

Sometimes all we need is a little help from our friends. So, instead of trying to take on the world and breaking our backs attempting to carry it’s weight around on our shoulders – what if we swallow our pride and let go of the stigma that showing emotions makes us weak?

We should stop putting pressure on ourselves to maintain the illusion that we are happy all day every day, and whenever we’re not feeling good, we should have no qualms about reaching out to somebody we love and trust, to talk it all out.

Especially during times where we are at a physical distance, it’s so important for our mental health that we remain vocal and open about how we’re feeling, and most importantly: STAY CONNECTED!

Thanks for reading guys,

Vicky ✌🏽 xo

Blessings · Good Vibes · Life · Positive Vibes Only · positivity · Stress Free

What do you miss most?

Whilst life under lockdown definitely continues to ‘go on’, I think we can all agree that it certainly comes with its restrictions.

Although, I am the firmest believer that it’s all in the mindset and of course we must remain positive, I can’t be the only person reminiscing longingly of the life that once was.

By no means, does this make us bad people – it is simply human nature. Plus, there is a massive difference between dwelling on things that we are unable to change and sparing a few moments to reflect and appreciate the life that awaits us once we are able to click the resume button.

Also, isn’t it bizarre how we’d now give our right arm to be able to indulge in once thought of as mundane everyday things? Even something as simple as waltzing in and out of the supermarket at our own leisure suddenly seems like a godsend.

However, this doesn’t mean our ingratitude was a conscious thing. Surely no one sets out to be ungrateful, right? But as they say: ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone’.

With that said, what is it that you miss the most? If there was one thing you were previously able to do freely and without question and you were given the opportunity to do it right now, what would it be?

Furthermore, what is the one thing that you can’t wait to do once life adjusts back to normality (in whatever form this may now come). Let’s face it, regardless of our current circumstances. one thing most, if not all, of us have is a lot of time on our hands.

Let’s all set aside some of that time today and let our imaginations run wild — the possibilities are endless.

Stay sane guys!

Vicky ✌🏽 xo


7 sanity-saving tips to help you survive life under lockdown!

Guess who’s back, back, back 👀…

It’s insane how much time has passed since I was last in a position where I felt that I had the time or headspace, to put pen to paper (or more accurately — fingers to keyboard) and engage in one of my favourite activities: blogging!

Between finding out I was pregnant 🤰🏽, working full-time and bringing my beautiful baby boy 🤱🏽 into this world; for over a year, it’s been go, go, go! – with very little time for hobbies or self-indulgence. It’s typical that it would take something as drastic as a pandemic and subsequent global lockdown 😱, for me to finally treat myself to some much-needed me-time!

Speaking of lockdown…

COVID-19 has left us all feeling a mixture of fear, frustration, uncertainty and confusion.

Regardless of your personal or professional circumstances, whether that means working from home, or generally spending more time at home than you’d usually like, it’s safe to say that social distancing / life under lockdown has left us all in a state of disorientation.

A problem shared is a problem halved right? So seeing as we are all in the same boat, I thought I would do my bit by sharing what I’ve found to be some of the top tips for staying sane under house arrest.

1. Get out of the house as much as you can

Whilst restrictions have been put into place to reduce the spread of the virus, we are still entitled to 1 hour of exercise a day.

Whether or not you are into your fitness, even a slow stroll around your local park or even the block at this point, will do us all the world of good, and play a major part in stopping us from going stir crazy!

2. Don’t play into all of the politics – and resist the urge to spread fake news

From fear-mongering headlines being flung about on social media with unconfirmed statistics of deaths allegedly connected to an influx of COVID-19 cases, to the resurface of viral videos from years ago, with no confirmed sources or legitimate links to COVID-19 – is it any wonder that the world has gone mad?!

On the other hand, if we all take a step back to think about what we are doing before mindlessly aiding the spread of ‘fake news’ we can only hope that this would slow the spread of panic, particularly amongst older relatives who have had it drilled into their minds that they will die if they step foot outside of their homes.

3. Try to maintain some semblance of normality – implement a loose routine

Of course, these are trying times for us all. Particularly if you are unable to work from home and essentially have no specific timeframes to work to. Each day can tend to blur into the next with no clear start or finish.

Solution: set yourself some tasks/goals to try and complete throughout the day, at a specific time each day. Whether it’s something as mundane as housework/chores, setting some specific time aside to spend doing a particular hobby, going for a run/walk or venturing out to the supermarket for some essentials.

4. Enjoy the extra family-time you may now have

As mother to a 9 month old, I’ve found it difficult to go from what once was a full weekly schedule of baby groups, classes and play dates to keep us entertained, to now being responsible for providing my son with ‘entertainment’ as well as positively aiding his development throughout the day.

On the bright side, it has encouraged me to acknowledge the fact that appreciating each other’s company and just spending one-on-one time together playing, reciting nursery rhymes, reading, going for walks and simply sharing the love, is more than enough for a growing baby — everything else is just an added extra; not a necessity.

That goes for people isolating with family in whatever form it may be for them. After all, this is more time than many of us ever get the chance to spend together, and as much as times are uncertain at the moment, and it is a shame to not be able to see everyone we care for — we should be thankful for this time that we have been granted.

5. Keep in touch with loved ones

Despite current restrictions, thanks to modern technology, we are not required to be in the presence of others to keep up the communication. Above all else, it’s important that we do not allow this lockdown to prevent us from staying in touch and reaching out to let our loved ones know we are here to lend an ear and just to keep things as normal as possible. We live in the age of social media, where people are more likely to pick up the phone, video call or text a person as opposed to seeing them in the flesh most of the time anyway. Let’s worry about changing the habit of a lifetime later and focus on staying connected for now.

6. Always try to look on the bright side

If you are lucky enough to have the facility to work from home, first of all; be grateful. There are so many people who currently face uncertainty as to whether they will have a job to return to following all of this madness, and also spare a thought for all of the key workers still standing on the frontlines. Ultimately, many of us still have our good health and a roof over heads – so for that alone we should all be grateful.

7. Make sure to find time for yourself

Regardless of the impact life under lockdown may have on your daily routine (or lack thereof 👀), ALWAYS ensure that you set aside ample time especially for you. Whether it’s a mere half an hour to yourself just to collect your thoughts, completing a workout, reading a book, binge-watching a box set – whatever it is that floats your boat and brings you happiness in these uncertain times.

Thanks for reading guys

Vicky ✌🏽 xo

2018 · Blessings · Good Vibes · Life · Positive Vibes Only · positivity · Respect · Stress Free · yolo

R E S P E C T: is it truly a two way street?

A lexicographer would define the meaning of respect as: ‘due regard for feelings, wishes, or rights of others.’ Whilst many of us believe respect should work both ways i.e. ‘you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours’ — can we honestly say that we feel others hold true regard for our feelings and wishes, on the same level that we do for them?

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At times it seems as though people only have consideration for themselves. To an extent, we can all be guilty of getting swept away in the ups and downs of the whirlwind that is life, but there comes a time when we must realise that some people simply exist solely for the drama!

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These people are so ignorantly blissful basking in the waters of their self-absorption, they appear unable to comprehend that the world was intended to inhabit billions of other people, as opposed to just them and their humungous ego.

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Many of us spend our lives striving to be a good friend, sibling, partner and all-round good person. Although we may not necessarily believe in karma, it only makes sense that if we treat others with kindness and respect then that treatment should be returned to us like a boomerang.


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We should now be at the stage in life where we only have room for solid and lasting relationships with clear co-ordinates indicating exactly where we stand, and be on a level playing field with the other person/people involved.

Gone are the days of feeling as if we have to treat every conversation we have like another riddle to crack — wondering if there was a hidden meaning behind each and every word uttered by the other person.

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Life is way too short to be second guessing ourselves and taking on other people’s constant dramas and issues as our own. Of course, there is a major difference between supporting a friend in times of need and enabling someone who clearly has no regard for our feelings, wishes and rights, to fall deeper into their narcissistic hole of self-obsession.

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Put simply, respect is most definitely a two-way street and if we have the consideration to take other people’s feelings and wishes into account, then there is absolutely no reason as to why they cannot take time out of their ‘busy’ schedules to show us the same kindness. As life goes on, we are all busy and generally have less free-time on our hands, but for those we truly care about we will always be able to make time. Successful relationships (whether romantic or platonic) take equal contributions from both parties in order to stand the test of time.

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Of course we do not give with the intention of receiving, but then again we have every right to expect to get out what we put in, especially when it comes to people. Being continually overlooked and having our thoughts and feelings disregarded impacts on our self-esteem and how we view ourselves.

Negativity can spread like wildfire, so its best to surround ourselves with positive people who want nothing more than to see us succeed, as we do the same for them.

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Thanks for reading guys,

Vicky xo


The true definition of living your #bestlife.

It is so crazy how carried away we all get in our daily routines. I for one, vow year-on-year to become more organised and make more time to do the things I love, and although there are definitely always improvements – they often come in fits and starts.

For example, I constantly tell myself I will find the time to blog more regularly and before I know it’s mid July! Realistically, sticking to a daily routine and having structure in our lives is inevitable and it is actually healthy.

However, whilst being essential to a certain extent, if we find ourselves living merely for the mundanity of everyday life there comes a time when we must acknowledge that change needs to happen.


Besides, FOMO is no joke — especially trying to stay afloat in a sea swarming with millennials, who default to panic mode at the mere thought of possibly being deprived the ‘opportunity’ to share every living, breathing second of their lives with the rest of the world.

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Although when it comes down to it, social media is known to consist mainly of a highlight reel – whereby people portray their everyday lives as being much more interesting and eventful than they truly are, but it is hard not to feel as though our own lives are somewhat inadequate.

In a sense we get sidetracked so much with idealising the lives of others, that we lose sight of what we could be doing to contribute towards our own happiness and how we could be living our #bestlife! Our constant fear of missing out leaves many of us convinced that just because we aren’t doing the same ‘amazing’ things as all of the people we are following on the gram, we are somehow incapable of living life to the fullest in our own way.

BEYONCE-not the same

As a generation, we have been brainwashed into believing that in order to make the most out of life, our every day experiences should be oozing extravagance and our diaries need to be filled to the brim with one bourgeoisie event after the next.

Nowadays, people class #goals as someone who strives to live above and beyond their means, splashes cash that they don’t really have on flamboyant clothing and other materialistic items – that they have no need for. Oh – and we can’t forget the most important step at all – post it on the gram to thousands of followers, most of which they don’t even know.


But how about if for a change, we decide to life for ourselves and abandon the mindset of living only for what we think will impress those around us? We have started to take for granted those precious moments present in every day life that make life worth living. Whilst, jetting off on multiple holidays and having all the money we desire sounds like a dream, we will never be happy if this is all that we set our sites on – because there is simply more to life than material possessions.

Getting the best out of life, is about surrounding ourselves with loyal, supportive and  kind-hearted people who want nothing from us other than to bear witness to our success and happiness. To me, living my best life is continuing to maintain a positive mindset despite any obstacles that may try to intervene, remaining focused on my end goal in life, and all whilst sheltered by a support system of genuine and loving family and friends.

Obviously the occasional holiday/treat is also much appreciated ;).

oprah - best life meme

Thanks for reading guys,

Vicky xo


A long time coming…

Hello world!

To say this blog has been a long time coming would be the understatement of the decade!

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As a Literature and Creative Writing student, I’ve always thought I was quite knowledgeable with regard to words and their meanings. It would seem that only as I have gone into my third and final year of Uni, have I truly learned the real definition of procrastination. There is always a more convenient time to start anything, as long as it is not the present. Unfortunately, up until now; this blog has fallen under the category of ‘I’ll do that later’, but what matters is I’ve bitten the bullet and finally done it.

The main problem I had was fixating around the idea that my blog needed to have a specific subject, which I would stick to religiously, in order to keep the loyalty of the niche audience it was bound to attract. My Nan; on the other hand doesn’t have this problem at all. So there I was sat, setting up my blog; minding my own business, when my Nan asked me what I was doing. Being the kind-hearted grandchild that I am, I explained it to her. Her response was: “Oh that’s nice darling, when I get my new phone I’ll make one of those, what should my name be?“, to which I helpfully replied “Why don’t you call yourself nosey Nan”. Naturally she loved the idea and devised a cunning plan, about how she would base her blog around local gossip and ultimately take over the blog I had barely even started writing!

My point is, what my blog is about is not important. If my Nan can make up a topic for her imaginary blog in a matter of seconds, there’s no excuse why something as silly as a topic should prevent me from getting my arse in gear and getting on with mine. I realise now that it’s all about having a creative outlet and just talking about anything, as long as my writing skills are being exercised, and hopefully whatever random thoughts I put down on the page gain the interest of at least someone out there LOL.

So in your face procrastination, a middle finger in the air to you because I have finally done it! I am seconds away from my first ever blog post. Eeek! I can barely contain my excitement.

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Victoria xo