
Take it easy

It is safe to say that this generation is never short of a cheesy and cliched way of stating the obvious fact that life is too short.

Whatever cheesy form in which it is stated, it is a true and obvious fact that we do only live once. If this is the case, why does it seem as though many of us spend most of our days stressing about the future, and analysing our every action to try and predict and/or sway future outcomes?

The world does not need another Doc Brown and Marty Mcfly duo.

Of course we all have the power to take what we feel are the right actions to steer us in our desired direction. However, nothing is set in stone. No one actually has the power to control what happens in the future…unless…

No..we definitely can’t predict the future and even if we could we all know how trying to change the future usually ended up for Raven…

But all jokes aside…it is not for us to try playing God with our futures. There’s a difference between working hard and hoping for the best possible outcomes, and fixating on how we can make certain that every moment of our lives goes exactly according to plan.

The simple answer to that scenario is that it is truly impossible.

More importantly, think of all of the time we are wasting putting most of our energy into what hasn’t happened yet. What about what is happening in our lives right now? How are we supposed to enjoy it or live for the moment if we are not entirely present?

What we should be spending more of our time taking life easy. Now, that doesn’t mean that we can’t be hard-working whilst doing so, but life should be approached with an equal balance of working hard to achieve our goals but taking it easy enough in life that we are doing this in the most stress-free way possible.

Another important thing is to not compare ourselves to others. Nowadays it is very easy to be consumed by what we see on social media, and how well our friends/people we are following seem to be doing for themselves.

Although it is nice to see others making a success of themselves, at the same time many of us allow this to belittle our own achievements which is the root to all of our stress, as we feel that we must devise a genius ‘get rich and successful overnight plan’…

When in reality we are doing just fine, and there is no shame in taking the time to ensure that we are on the right journey for us. Everyone’s path in life is unique, and although many seem to know all of the cool short cuts, sometimes it is better to go the long way around as you end up stumbling across people and places you would’ve otherwise bypassed. 

Remember…slow and steady wins the race, so it’s okay to take a step back from all of the hard work and determination to relax a little along the way. It’ll all pay off in the end!

Thanks for reading guys.

Vicky ✌ xo

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